Call for Papers

Extension of the Call For Papers – Deadline: June 1, 2024 (Firm Deadline)

General Information

The 2024 Latin America Networking Conference (LANC 2024) will provide an international technical forum for experts from industry and academia, everywhere in the world, but especially from Latin American countries, to exchange ideas and present results of ongoing research in networking.

LANC 2024 will be held in collaboration with CLEI 2024, the 2024 Latin American Conference on Computing, organized in this opportunity by Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentina. It will be celebrated on August 15-16, 2024, as a hybrid conference (in-person and virtually). In addition to the traditional paper presentations, the conference will host tutorials and keynote speeches. You can download the Call for Papers in PDF format from this link.

Similarly to preview years, the organizing committee has started the negotiation with ACM to include the accepted papers in the ACM Digital Library.

Call for Papers
Students, faculty, researchers, and scientists are invited to submit high-quality original technical manuscripts written in English to LANC 2024. All submitted papers will have at least three reviews. Acceptance will be based on originality, quality, relevance, and the practical value of the work. Two categories are available: (1) full papers and (2) short papers. Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The peer-review process will be “single-blind” where manuscripts shall be submitted with the author(s) names and affiliations. At least one author of every accepted manuscript must register to attend the conference in-person or virtually, and present his/her article. Failure to do so will result in exclusion from the conference proceedings.

Full Papers: From 6 to 8 single-spaced pages in length (including references). An acceptance rate of approximately 35% is anticipated for the Full Paper category. Awards for the best full papers will be presented.

Short Papers: From 4 to 5 single-spaced pages in length (including references). The acceptance rate is targeted at 45% for this category. Awards for the best short papers will be presented.

The Technical Program Committee will announce the best papers during the event, and the authors will be awarded a certificate.

LANC 2024 invites prospective authors to submit their original technical work with significant research contributions in the following topics that are of special interest for the conference, but are not limited to:

  • Cloud and fog computing
  • Delay/Disruption-tolerant networks
  • Green and energy-efficient communications
  • Internet-based applications
  • Advances in Internet Protocols
  • Low-cost access networks
  • Multimedia networking systems
  • National ICT infrastructures for education
  • Network and service management
  • Network performance evaluation
  • Network security
  • Optical communications
  • Peer-to-peer and overlay networks
  • Protocol optimizations
  • Smart grid communications
  • Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) in communication systems
  • Social networking (online, mobile, and pervasive)
  • Software-Defined Networks (SDN)
  • Wireless, mobile, ad-hoc, vehicular, and sensor networks
  • Cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Dynamic spectrum management
  • Implementation and experimental testbeds
  • Cognitive radio networking
  • Cross-layer design and optimization
  • 5th Generation Networks (5G)
  • Machine Learning for networking
  • Federated learning for networking
  • Network simulations


Authors submitting manuscripts for peer-review to the LANC Conference consent to the following policies:

  • That the work submitted is original, that the listed authors are the creators of the work, that each author is aware of the submission and that they are listed as an author, that each author is mindful of the content of the paper and fully agrees with it, and that the paper is an honest representation of the underlying work
  • That the work submitted is not currently under review at any other publication venue, and that it will not be submitted to another venue unless it is rejected from this venue
  • That the submitting authors have the rights and intent to publish the work in this venue, if the work is accepted
  • That any prior publications on which this work is based are documented appropriately in the manuscript and/or in a cover letter available to reviewers. This documentation includes providing an explanation of the new contribution that extends prior published results
  • That the organizing committee and program committee reserve the right to remove a paper from the conference
    program should any problem arise with the submission.


Manuscript Format
Manuscripts (PDF format) must follow the mandatory template provided by the LANC 2024 conference. All authors are required to submit their manuscripts in the correct format, even at the level of the evaluation. Instructions and the LaTeX template are in this link. Be aware that manuscripts that do not follow the required format will be rejected without being reviewed. Thank you for your understanding.

Review Process
The submitted papers will be inspected by the technical program committee to ensure that the documents are readable and meet ALL the formatting requirements (including the minimum and maximum page limits). The manuscripts will also be checked for similarities with already published works. The papers that do not pass this inspection or have high similarity with existing works will be rejected without evaluation. Otherwise, they will be entered into the review process where groups of reviewers (at least three reviewers per paper) will evaluate the works and rate them according to quality, relevance, and correctness. The technical program committee chairs will use these reviews to determine the accepted papers to be presented at the conference. The result of the decision will be communicated to the authors by email, along with the reviewers’ comments.

Submission Link
To submit a manuscript for evaluation at LANC 2024, use Microsoft CMT (Conference Management Toolkit). If you do not have an account in Microsoft CMT, create one by clicking this link. Remember that the process of evaluation is “single-blind”, and submitted manuscripts shall have author(s) names and affiliations. You will be asked to select a category during the submission (full papers or short papers). Be sure you submit your manuscript to the right category. Submitted articles should be well formatted and use proper English grammar and punctuation.

Important Dates for Papers

Deadline for Submission of Manuscripts April 17, 2024
Extended Deadline for Submission of Manuscripts (FIRM) June 1, 2024
Notification of Acceptance June 28, 2024 July 5, 2024
Due Date for Camera-ready July 7, 2024 July 17, 2024
Event Date August 15-16, 2024